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    Swimmers at the 2007 Kingdom Games in Den Haag

    Training and hard work are the key factors to explosively increasing performance, and natural ability sets the foundation to where you are starting. Working with your coach to create a plan that reinforces your strengths, and builds up your weaknesses will maximize your internal potential – take their advice, as they are trained to work with you individually.

    Among racing atheletes, reducing resistance is one important way to maximize your performance.

    Buy a RetroRazor and Save Hundreds!

    Michael Phelps is in on the Shaving Action…
    check about a 1:15 (one minute, 15 seconds) into this hilarious video from

    And we all know what a hundredth of a second can mean in a high-stakes race!

    Laminar Flow is “Basically it’s how a fluid (in this case water) passes over and around an object.  Anything that resists the flow slows things done, it’s like friction, but a little different.  The key thing with water is that interruptions in the flow causes ripples and eddies that sap power as well.  I dated some swimmer in the past and they actually let their body hair grow in practice time, making them work harder for their times, then for meets shave.  Even the feeling, they said, of being that smooth and the difference in the way the water flowed over their bodies made them feel faster.  Of course it actually does.” according to the Homely Scientist

    Women Swimmers have it easy, since shaving is a societal norm. Consider moving to an environmentally sound Safety Razor to reduce waste, and save a ton of money on replacement blades. The RetroRazor will save you over 90% compared to a multi-blade cartridge such as the Venus. And of course the shave is even closer and without razor burn!

    Men, you have it a bit Rough

    Mike Gustafson says it best:

    “…for the teenage boy, no task fully and completely ostracizes a male from his peers like one thing: The shaved legs.

    It’s the final hurdle. Once that razor cuts those hairs, it’s all over. There’s no going back. You’ve shaved your legs. Every single truth-or-dare, you can never say “I’ve never shaved my legs.” If your kid, for whatever reason, asks you, “Daddy, have you shaved your legs?” you must say “Yes, son, Daddy has done that.” And finally, shaving your legs doesn’t exactly enhance your dating scene. No teenage girl wants to date a dude with shaved legs, no matter how cute, dreamy, handsome, charming, or funny you think you are.

    The worst part is: it doesn’t matter if you try to hide it, flaunt it, disguise it, or redirect it. People find out, and you become known as “the shaved-legs dude”.”

    Shaving Down is one factor in increasing your performance.

    Shave Close, Shave Cheap, Shave Green, Shave Time: RetroRazor is your best solution

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